Presentation Standards
- There will be preview room facility.
- All presentations must be handed over at the Preview room at least 3 hours before your scheduled presentation. For forenoon sessions on Day 1, please come by 8 am to load your presentations.
- Appropriate trial runs & checking in the preview room is allowed to avoid any hitch.
- All the speakers are requested to stick to the allotted time.
- Personal laptops are strictly not allowed for ANYONE.
Preview Room
- There will be 2 preview rooms, one within Hall A for Hall A presentations and another closer to Hall B&C (ground Floor of Library Block) for Hall B,C,D & E presentations.
- The room will be equipped to preview your presentation, modify it, and copy it. Trained individual staff will assist you with any need that you may have regarding your presentation.
- Presentation can be submitted in absentia by your co-author/representative.
The Session Room Environment
- Every hall will have one lectern and so kindly ensure that next speaker is ready with his/her presentation.
- The lecterns are equipped with a laser pointer/ slide changer and laptop.
- Please arrive at the hall at least 15 minutes before the beginning of your session and get familiarized with the stage and lectern setting.
- Please meet your Chairperson before the session begins and introduce yourself.
- If you are a Presenting Author in the Free paper session, please inform your TNOA membership no. to the Chairperson. If you are not a TNOA member, kindly inform the Chairperson before your presentation.
- Change of Presenter without the permission of the Chairperson, Scientific Committee well in advance or last minute request for change in Presenting Author at the venue will not be accepted.
- In case a new Co-author is presenting the paper instead of Chief author/Co-authors mentioned earlier, they must submit a signed authorization letter from the Chief author to the Chairperson or Scientific Committee well in advance.
- DO NOT EXCEED your allotted time for presentation.
- Only TNOA members are eligible for the TNOA Award ( Subject to the conditions of the award).
In pursuit of the ‘Go Green Concept’ of EYECON 19, all Certificate of Attendance (Dr MGR University 30 Credit Points, Certificate of Participation (Free paper, Physical poster, e-poster, videos and e-videos, award sessions) Certificate of Appreciation (Invited speaker, Chair, Judge for special sessions, chief and co-instructors of Instruction Courses, evaluators of free papers, WET LAB trainers, Executive committee members,
Volunteers) will all be available in each one’s Dashboard as e-Certificate after login in website which can be printed. The Scientific Committee will also set up kiosk at registration counter to print certificate of attendance for those who wish to have a hard copy.